Please first read, “The Real Cause…The Real Cure” on the Home page.
Many times, rotator cuff challenges are not caused by tears. They’re caused by any or all of the four strong muscles, that make up the rotator cuff, being short and tight, and/or any of the other muscles that hook into the upper arm and shoulder (and there are a lot) being short and taut. Besides causing pain, they can severely restrict motion and mobility. Too many times these symptoms are blamed on rotator cuff tears. If there is a major tear, where an MRI distinctly shows one or more tendons (the ends of the muscle) being detached from the bone, surgery is warranted. But many times the tears are tiny and can heal on their own. And, again, many rotator cuff problems are not even caused by tears, but simply caused by chronically tight muscle tissue.
Please see: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Breakthrough for stretches for the shoulder