Please first read, “The Real Cause…The Real Cure” on the Home page.

In almost every case, muscles span over and attach on at least two separate bones in order to move them. For instance, let’s take the bicep muscle of the arm. The bicep muscle has its tendinous attachments (the ends of the muscle) by the shoulder and in the lower arm. So, when that muscle contracts, it pulls on its muscle attachments in the shoulder and the muscle attachments in the lower arm. But, because the shoulder is pretty fixed compared to the lower arm, what you see is the lower arm moving up toward the upper arm. If the bicep muscle is tight, it will start pulling the lower arm bone, where it attaches (the radius), in towards the upper arm bone (the humerus). This basically jams the joint. Have you ever seen one of those big, tight bodybuilders that workout all the time? Many of them can’t even straighten their arms anymore because their muscles are so tight. Tight muscles can jam joints; this is why stretching is imperative.
Please see: Back Pain Breakthrough for stretches for the leg muscles and/or for back pain. For stretches and information for carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder, arm, hand, and/or neck pain, please see: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Breakthrough